Fall 2023
Click the button below to view the PDF version of the Zine, or check out the web versions of each article below!
United By Comics
By Wessam Elmeligi The STEM and humanities divide? What is one thing others in academia might share with me, even if we have seemingly different disciplines? These are the questions I was thinking about when I learned about the Foundations program in the College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters at UM-Dearborn, and it dawned on…
Molecules – A Work of Art
By Harry T. Rahn My work relationship with Dr. Benore began as the Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leader for Intro to Cell Biology and Molecular Biology. I worked with her for two semesters, and during that time, we had many conversations on student success and the politics in higher education. As the pandemic hit, searching for…
Breaking Barriers and Building Bridges: Celebrating Women in Engineering at the SWE Power Conference
By Alyamama Abdo As a current member of the UM Dearborn chapter of Society of Women Engineers , I had the chance to assist in organizing and participating in the 5th Annual POWER Conference on Friday, February 10 2023. The conference brought together women engineers from a variety of backgrounds both as students and alumni…
Home Away from Home: Building Life-Changing Relationships in a Global Classroom
By Kylie Martin On April 30th, 2022, I boarded a plane that would be flying halfway across the world to Gdańsk, Poland, for the DDC Abroad trip to Poland. It was my first time truly traveling internationally, and out of the three professors, a few staff members, and fourteen UM-Dearborn students, I’d only spoken to…
Comic Submissions
Here are the full “Adventures of the Wolverzine” comic submissions that we made during our Zine layout event in October 2023.
A Zine about Students as Partners serves as an outlet for students, staff, and faculty in the many partnerships they forge on our campus and the implications of such partnerships for teaching and learning. The collaborative and reciprocal nature of such relationships is essential to the larger project of student-centered teaching, much in the spirit of Paulo Freire and bell hooks –
students, teachers, and staff all working together to make new knowledge and imagine alternate futures.
We publish diverse and inclusive content that allows contributors to reflect on what these kinds of partnerships mean to them. In this way, we extend ongoing dialogues about students as partners and center egalitarian and progressive learning among our campus community.
This project was made possible by a grant from the Arts Initiative at the University of Michigan. The Arts Initiative grant has generously funded us through 2024. Additionally, this project was created with funds from the Hub for Teaching and Learning and with support from the Office of the Dean of Students.
Cover art: Maya Barak
Layout design: Harleen Gill and Autumm Caines
Editing: The zBoard
If you want to get involved, send us an email! thezboard@umich.edu