Lyceum, a publication established at UM-Dearborn in 1971, showcases the creative talents of writers and artists within the university community, featuring poetry, short fiction, non-fiction, drama, photography, and artwork submitted by students, alumni, faculty, and staff. During the Fall 2021 term, Lyceum hosted a series of open writing workshops (Future workshops will occur biweekly on Mondays at 5:30pm in room 2123B in the UC building). This led to a special Lyceum-Zine collaboration in which attendees were invited to reflect on what it means to view students, faculty, and staff as partners. These students shared their joys, frustrations, and hopes on sticky notes, which we have digitized for publication. In what follows, we share attendees’ thoughts in their own writing.
To learn more about Lyceum or get involved, visit their website.